When to Throw Away Makeup Products

That dark purple lipgloss you bought last year for the fall season? Time to toss it. The eyeshadow samples you hoarded from Sephora years ago? Yeah… those need to go. Just like the majority of the items in your medicine cabinet, makeup does in fact have an expiration date. While some products last only a few months and others have quite a long lifespan - we’ve put together a guide to help you understand what you should keep and what products should be replaced. 

when to throw away your makeup brushes

Makeup Sponges

Our makeup sponges aren’t meant to last nearly as long as any of us use them. Beauty blenders should be washed regularly and depending on how well you take care of them - they should be replaced every 1-3 months. The reason for such frequent replacement of these products is due to their serious build-up of bacteria. Think about it, we use these sponges to paint our faces almost every single day. Or at least a few days out of the week. Over time, our sponges become filled with leftover makeup, dead skin cells, and bacteria. If you don't regularly wash and replace your makeup sponge, you’re pretty much spreading these germs on your face each and every time you apply your makeup which can cause skin irritation and breakouts. We recommend washing your beauty blender with your day to day face cleanser at least once per week.

Don’t want to replace your makeup sponge every month? Try using disposable wedge sponges - you can purchase these at Target, Amazon, or your nearest drug store.  

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Makeup Brushes

If washed regularly, makeup brushes should last much longer than makeup sponges. We recommend replacing your makeup brushes about every 1-3 years. For upkeep, makeup brushes should be washed weekly - whether it’s application brushes, blush, bronzer or eyeshadow. 

We wash our makeup brushes with lukewarm water, our Rhonda Allison face cleanser, and our Foreo cleansing device (we highly recommend cleansing with the Foreo if you don’t already have one). The reason we recommend using your daily face cleanser when cleaning your makeup products is to avoid any skin irritations. In the past, we’ve seen clients have skin irritation or breakouts due to washing their brushes with regular hand or body soap.  

Please always remember to be mindful of where and how you store your makeup brushes on a day to day basis. Storing brushes in a drawer or space where the bristles are touching other products can cause bacteria growth. We recommend storing them in a separate brush holder or organizer to keep them organized and clean.

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As a product that is consistently applied to the face and exposed to oils and dead skin cells, it's important to keep your concealer up to date. That being said, as long as concealers are kept clean and well-sealed after use, they usually last about a year and a half. Concealers are similar to foundations in how their appearance starts to turn in color once it’s time to toss the product! Once the color starts to weaken, and the product begins to separate - you’ll know it's time has come. 

We recommend keeping your concealer as clean as possible - try to wipe down the product at least once a week, especially where the wand screws into the base. If the concealer is in a pan (instead of a tube), avoid direct contact with fingers or dirty makeup brushes. As more oil and dirt contaminate the product - the shorter its lifespan will be. 

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When it comes to replacing makeup, it’s extremely important to be diligent with your eye makeup. Mascara typically contains water which is necessary for bacteria to grow, so you don’t want this product to sit in your makeup drawer for too long. We recommend replacing your tube of mascara about every three months. 

How do you know when it’s really time to go? You should hear a “popping” noise each time you twist open the tube to use the wand. If you don’t hear that pop, it means too much air has gotten in the tube and it’s time to replace it. Not only can expired mascara cause bacteria growth, but if you use it for too long - it can also appear flakey or clumpy, and nobody wants that. It’s best to splurge at Sephora to keep your mascara in check.

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Similar to mascara, liquid eyeliner has a shelf life of about three to four months. Each time you open and close your eyeliner tube, you let bacteria in. We recommend cleaning the wand after each use to limit the germs going back into the product container. 

Pencil eyeliner is a bit different and can last about one year. Since this is not a water-based product, as long as you regularly sanitize your pencil sharpener with rubbing alcohol, your product should remain fairly free of bacteria. 

Pro tip: keep your eyeliner away or out of your enclosed bathroom during your shower to extend its lifespan. Using eyeliner past its expiration date may cause irritation, swelling, and itchiness - so we recommend replacing as necessary. 

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Lipstick and Lipgloss

Both lipstick and lipgloss should be replaced about once every year. It’s especially important to not use your lip products beyond this expiration date if you are more prone to cracked or dry lips, or irritation in the corners of your mouth.

The reason being is that microorganisms can live inside lip makeup - these organisms can reinfect the dry or irritated parts of your skin if you’re not careful. For this same reason, you should avoid using your lip products while you’re sick or have a cold sore OR toss the products if you do use them during this time period. 

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Questions about the lifespan of a specific product in your vanity? We’re happy to help answer your questions and provide recommendations to keep your skin blemish free! Get in touch with us online or by phone at (909) 638-6364.

Nancy Ham