Quarantine Eyebrows: To Pluck or Not to Pluck


Quarantine day number...? Okay, we’ve lost track. As things are starting to normalize, some may be adventuring out, while others may be choosing to stay at home. Regardless, we all miss our normal visits with our hairstylists, estheticians, manicurists, friends, family, etc.

If you get your brows done regularly by your esthetician, you might be stressing about the state of them right about now while considering some at-home eyebrow plucking. Shaping your own eyebrows at home might seem simple - but if you don’t have the willpower to stop, your brows might fall victim to the retro 90’s look. Cue Jenn Anniston for a quick reminder:

Jennifer Annison 90s eyebrows.png

So, where do we stand on at home eyebrow maintenance? Well honestly, we advise against it for a few reasons. 

Over Plucking with the Tweezers

First and foremost, knowing when to put the tweezers down is the hardest part of attempting at-home brow maintenance.  

The shape of your eyebrows play a big role in balancing your face and because of this, it’s vital that you can see both brows at all times while plucking. Oftentimes, when clients come in for an appointment, they tell us that they use an at-home LED magnifying mirror to pluck their eyebrows. While these mirrors might seem ideal, they can actually cause major over-plucking. When you use a magnifying mirror, you can only see one brow (or a close up of a group of tiny vellus hairs), versus the entire shape of your brows. So although it might seem helpful to get a close-up view when plucking - we recommend leaving that to the pros to avoid over-plucking.

Not Tweezing your Eyebrows in the Right Direction 

One of the most common mistakes people make when tweezing their eyebrows at home, is plucking in the wrong direction. Did you know that each brow hair is connected to a tiny blood vessel? That blood vessel keeps the hair healthy and allows the hair to grow back when it’s removed. When you tweeze in the opposite direction of its natural hair growth, it can cause the vessel to rupture which can then cause irritation. 

We recommend waiting to get in for an eyebrow appointment with your esthetician to avoid any potential for inflammation or ingrown hairs. 

Not Having Best Tools For Eyebrow Plucking

Not only is your esthetician an eyebrow shaping guru, but they also have the best wax and tweezers to get the job done. Tweezers that have a slanted tip do a great job of grabbing the hair at the root to avoid breakage. We’ve seen a handful of low-quality tweezers purchased by clients from Target or other drug stores that are not built to properly pull the hair from the follicle. Some of them don’t even grab onto the hair!

Do Not Trim Your Brows At Home

Trimming your eyebrows yourself is kind of like cutting your own hair -  it usually ends in a disaster. We have seen way too many people come in who have trimmed their eyebrows with the kitchen scissors, and let me tell you - it is not pretty. Bushy eyebrows may not be your thing, but we promise they are much better than no eyebrows at all. 

Let’s just let the professionals take care of the eyebrow trimming no questions asked. 

Embrace Your Eyebrow Growth

Allowing this time in quarantine for your eyebrows to grow can be a good thing! If you are social distancing - no one is around to judge your brows anyways. Once you are finally able to see your esthetician post quarantine, your brows AND your brow guru will have a fresh slate. 

For eyebrow waxing, nose waxing, body waxing, etc., our esthetician at Gameela Skin will be waiting for you whenever you’re comfortable venturing out for your beauty services. 

Nancy Ham