Skincare Tips to Follow In Your 30s

Ahhh thirty, flirty, and thriving! Your 30’s are the best years of your life - so they say.😉 Just as your priorities or interests in life might shift as you move into your thirties, so should your skincare regime. However, knowing what skincare products to use or what routine to follow can be difficult to navigate. 

Unless you were truly blessed with the skin of a Goddess (those people do exist), you’re likely starting to see some wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, etc. Well we’ve got some good news! Making a few changes and additions to your skincare routine can make a huge difference for anti-aging.

Sunscreen, Sunscreen, and More Sunscreen

Nothing groundbreaking here. Adding sunscreen to your daily skincare routine is one of the most important things you can do for anti-aging. It’s simple and easy - yet so many of our clients forget about it! At this stage of your life, cell turnover (the rate at which you see new skin appear) really slows down - so we want to avoid any and all sun spots. 

We recommend the Daytime Defense SPF by Rhonda Allison. Daytime Defense uses Zinc Oxide to provide a natural barrier from the sun while also providing your skin with antimicrobials, antioxidants, and healing support. If you’re interested in a tinted SPF, we also carry an assortment of Powder-Me SPF sunscreen colors by Jane Iredale. 

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Ditch the Makeup Wipes

Sure, using makeup remover wipes are convenient, especially for those late nights in your twenties, but times have changed. Let’s face it, thirty-year-old you can’t handle that lifestyle anymore and neither can your skin. Makeup wipes can be pretty harsh on your skin! Not only are they abrasive, but they usually contain alcohol which can cause dehydration and negatively affect your skin's natural barrier function. 

We recommend the following:

Start with using an eye makeup remover prior to cleansing your face to assure mascara, liner, etc. is removed. We then recommend double cleansing your face to truly wash all of the makeup off of your face. Start with a cream or oil based cleanser to remove makeup remains, then follow up with a second cleanse using your normal cleanser. I know… it might take a bit more effort and time, but cleansing is so worth it as it allows the rest of your skincare products to properly work their magic.

Invest In Your Skincare Routine

Have you heard of the 80/20 rule of the skincare world? 20% of your skincare results are from professional treatments, and 80% of results are from your home-care routine. That’s why it’s so important to invest in the RIGHT at-home products. 

We’re not just saying this because we’re a skincare business. We’re saying this because we CARE about our clients! Stop browsing the aisles of Target or blindly trusting the ads you see on social media. A cleanser, serum, and moisturizer that are made with quality ingredients and CHOSEN for your skin type can really improve your skin’s texture and complexion. If you’re not sure where to start, our esthetician can help hand select the products that will address your skin type, skin concern, etc. 

See a Dermatologist 

Most women experience changes in their skin during their thirties. One day you can go from clear, flawless skin to unexpected adult acne, pigmentation, rosacea, etc. As we get older, there are more factors that might play a part in the outlook of our skin. Work, life, kids, finances, changes in hormones… the stress of it all can certainly take a toll. 

To address these skin concerns, we can certainly add new skincare products, chemical peels, and dermaplane treatments into your routine - but that alone might not always solve the problem. Things like rosacea, dermatitis, eczema, etc. don’t usually clear up without the help of a specialist - and oftentimes can get worse if not treated properly. We recommend pairing your skincare routine with the recommendation of a local dermatologist!

Treat Skincare As Self Care

When we feel burned out and depleted from the stresses of life, it not only affects us mentally but you can see it in your skin! Stress can cause acne, dark circles, dry skin, and more. At Gameela Skin, we believe that giving our skin time and grace also allows us to take time to unwind mentally and destress.

There are so many ways to add skincare into your routine as self care. 

  • Book a facial! Whether you go once a month or every other month, carving an hour out of your day to relax and give your skin the hydration and boost it needs will have you feeling refreshed. 

  • Give yourself a face massage. We recommend purchasing a cold roller and storing it in the fridge so it’s always ready to go. After you’ve cleansed your face and applied your serums, use the cold roller on your face for about 10 minutes to reduce puffiness and destress the muscles from a long day. 

  • Treat yourself with an at-home face mask! We recommend applying your mask every Sunday (or designating one specific day of the week for self care). After cleansing, grab your favorite face mask, and just relax with it on your face for 15-20 minutes. To really make it a luxurious experience, purchase your very own face mask brush for the perfect application. 

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Get Enough Sleep

This might seem too easy - but sleep truly does affect your skin. If you don’t get enough hours every night, your skin will not have the recovery time it needs and thus will age faster. 

Sleep is the time when your body goes through repairs (including repairing your skin). When you’re sleeping, your skin’s blood flow increases, and the organ rebuilds its collagen levels. This process helps repair the damage from UV exposure, aging spots, wrinkles, etc. 

interested in treating yourself to a custom facial? YOU CAN REACH US BY TEXTING OR CALLING (909) 638-6364 OR REQUEST AN APPOINTMENT ONLINE.

Nancy Ham