Spring Skincare Trends

Spring is just around the corner! Sunday, March 20th to be exact. With a fresh new season, comes fresh new trends.😌 As we give winter the boot, we are welcoming the warmer weather with open arms, glowing complexions, and a short list of the latest and greatest in skincare that you can expect this season. 

Whether you’ve been considering a new product or tool, wanting to make a tweak to your daily skincare routine (don’t forget your skin’s needs shift throughout the year), or you need some general direction - these trends have you covered. 

Simplified Skincare Routines

“Less is more”, has never been more relevant in the beauty industry than it is right now. Heavy makeup or beauty products that tend to disrupt the skin’s barrier are officially a thing of the past. & since our day one goal at Gameela Skin has always been to enhance your natural beauty - we are so happy to hear that the rest of the beauty world is finally getting on board. 

Rather than recommending makeup products to hide your blemishes or harsh ingredients that lead to irritation, our skincare pros recommend the following: 

  • Assessing your current skincare routine. Let’s talk about your skin concerns, problem areas, and current skincare products. From there our team can recommend the right products for your skin to minimize acne, tired eyes, sun spots, etc. 

  • Schedule a monthly facial + dermaplane! The best way to achieve effortless, glowing skin (without the help of makeup) is to take care of your skin. We know, it seems too easy.😜 By keeping up with your monthly facial and dermaplane, you can get rid of dead skin cells and increase cell turnover at a faster rate. This will in turn increase the speed at which your skin heals and will help give you the confidence to leave the house makeup-free.

Skincare Products With Niacinamide

Simplified routines and the right ingredients go hand in hand! Why? If we’re going to say goodbye to caked on concealer, our skin better be glowing from the inside out. Niacidamide is a form of B-3, an essential nutrient. The benefits of Niacidamide are endless: It helps with skin hydration, treats hyperpigmentation, decreases redness, promotes skin elasticity, and so much more. 

This ingredient should be used year round but is especially effective heading into spring as a lot of us are trying to combat dry skin and irritation from the colder months. 

We carry a few skin products that contain Niacinamide:

  • Bubbly Eye Gels by Patchology! They contain orange extract, resveratrol (from grapes), and niacinamide. They also promote relaxation😏 These eye gel are the perfect at-home treatment to combat tired, aging eyes.

  • Mandelic Perfecting Polish by Rhonda Allison. This is an exfoliator with supportive skin-balancing and antibacterial ingredients. This exfoliator gently helps remove dead skin cells and build-up while also providing anti-inflammatory support. We recommend adding this product for those with sensitive or acne prone skin. 

Skincare Products With Niacinamide

Cooling Skincare

Ahh a cooler way to apply skincare… no pun intended. Did you know that cooler temperatures cause our skin’s blood vessels to contract and temporarily shrink our pores? This has our skin looking firmer, younger, and more rejuvenated… Can I get a heck yes!!! We may only like cold weather for this reason and this reason alone. 

You can keep the cold application going all year round with ice rollers! An ice roller is a small skincare tool that is used to massage your face. It’s essentially used like a paint roller across your face. We recommend using an ice-roller while makeup-free, after you’ve applied your skincare products to massage them into the skin. Ice rollers are typically made with stainless steel as this keeps them colder for longer periods of time. We recommend storing your ice-roller in the fridge to maximize effectiveness. Shop our selection of ice-rollers here

Benefits of ice-rolling:

  • Depuffing

  • Reduce Inflammation

  • Reduce Headaches 

  • Helps Skin Absorb Products


Personalized Skin Care

You know those online quizzes that ask you to categorize your skin type? Oily, dry, or combination. Pick one! We cannot be the only ones thinking that our skin type or concerns don’t seem to fall within these three categories. These old school, outdated skin types are on their way OUT. 

The skin and beauty industry has grown so much over the years and it’s become much more apparent how many factors can contribute to your skin conditions + skin type. IE, what is your diet like? What type of climate do you live in? Do you get regular facials? What type of concerns are you facing?

It’s not a one-size fits all approach when it comes to skincare solutions. At Gameela Skin, we take the time to assess your skin type. Following a skin assessment, we can offer a custom facial to treat your specific skin needs & concerns. In addition, we’ll build a custom at-home skincare routine with products that will complement your skin type while treating any and all concerns. Schedule an appointment below or contact us at info@gameelaskin.com to discuss your concerns.

Book your appointment online at the link below.

Nancy Ham