How Long Do Skin Care Products Take to Work

So, how long does it *actually* take to see results from skincare products? We all want overnight results, and the agony of waiting for our products to kick-in can be painful. Unfortunately, there are no quick fixes when it comes to reversing skin damage or addressing concerns. 

There are a lot of skincare products on the market, all having a different purpose and ranging in the amount of time it might take to see results. 


Time: About 30 Days

Although we probably use a skin cleanser more frequently than any of the other products in our medicine cabinet, it doesn’t stay on our skin long enough to have any major effects. A cleanser does its job of cleaning your skin, but if you’re trying to repair dry skin, dullness, or blemishes, it will take about a month of consistently using your cleanser and following your skincare routine to see a difference in your skin. 



Time: Instant results - 2 weeks

You should be using a moisturizer every day, for your face and body! While you do feel the results of moisturizer as soon as it hits your skin (hence, instant results) you won’t begin to really see an improvement in dry or flakey skin until about 2-weeks of consistent use. Adding moisturizer into your daily skin care routine is a quick way to a more plump, soft complexion.



Time: Instant results - 1 month

The results of an exfoliant can vary depending on the product or treatment. Physical exfoliants, like our Mandelic Perfecting Polish, work right away! The scrub uses granular exfoliators and acids to help reduce cellular buildup and inflammation, to give your skin a smooth texture. (& help your skin absorb your skincare products)

Chemical exfoliants on the other hand, take about a month to show results. Chemical peels are a type of exfoliation treatment that use acids such as glycolic and salicylic acid. Though they don’t remove dead skin cells immediately, they can have stronger results with time!



Time: 6-8 weeks

Serums are our favorite part of our skincare routine! Each bottle, though it be tiny, has its own super power. After you’ve found the product that gives you the results you’re looking for (whether that be reversing sun damage, scarring, tired eyes, etc.) it takes consistent use to start to see a change in your skin. Results can also vary based on product, ingredients, etc. If you’re looking for a serum to treat a specific skin concern, reach out to our esthetician for recommendations. 


Acne Products 

Time: 1 day-12 weeks

The results from acne products and treatments can vary tremendously! Results will vary based on the severity of your acne, your skincare regime, the type of product/ingredients, etc. 

Topical medications prescribed by a dermatologist may take about 6 weeks to show results. 

Spot treatments for occasional breakouts, like our Blemish Serum by Rhonda Allison, can help reduce inflammation in 1-2 days. Oral medications prescribed to you by a doctor may take 2-3 weeks to show results. For immediate acne reduction, the only procedure that will give you overnight results are cortisone shots which can be provided by a dermatologist. 

Overall, it generally takes about 30 days for skin cells to turn over. This means that without any invasive procedures, it will typically take about a month to start seeing results from your skincare products. We do recommend sticking to your daily skincare routine, as the more consistent you are, the better your results will be! To change up or add to your skincare routine, reach out to our team! We can recommend the best products for your skin type and concerns.  

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curious what products are best for your skin type or skin concerns? REACH out to our team BY TEXTING OR CALLING (909) 638-6364.

Nancy Ham