The Do's and Don'ts of Waxing

Does anyone else have a love hate relationship with waxing? Even though we’ve all been waxed an umpteen number of times, it can still be a little cringe worthy. We’re sharing a number of do’s and don’ts when it comes to hair removal and waxing to help give YOU the best possible experience for your next wax appointment. 

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The Do’s of Waxing: 

First and foremost, always say “I do” to waxing! Why? The results speak for themselves ;) We might be biased, but we prefer waxing to shaving any day of the week. It’s convenient, less irritating, and your skin will be much smoother - for a longer period of time. 

Do grow your hair out to the correct waxing length of about ¼” to ¾” long. 

Do remember to gently exfoliate your skin about 48 hours prior to your wax appointment. During a wax treatment, hair gets pulled out of the pore straight from the follicle. When this happens, it makes it easy for dirt, germs, and dead skin to settle in and cause clogged pores and irritation. Exfoliating the skin prior to your wax will help remove dirt and dead skin and avoid irritation to the treated area. 

Do remember to disclose any allergens you might have, medications you’ve been taking, etc. with your esthetician. There are a handful of medications that can cause your skin to “thin out” and therefore cause your skin to be more sensitive than usual - we recommend avoiding waxing during this period. Getting a wax while your skin is more sensitive may cause the skin to “lift” and possibly scab over. We recommend waiting about 30 days after you are finished with your round of antibiotics.

Do your due diligence in selecting an experienced esthetician for your wax treatment (or any skincare treatment for that matter). Not only is the type of wax used during treatment important for sensitive skin, but your salon should have the highest of standards when it comes to cleanliness. We of course recommend booking all of your wax treatments with Gameela Skin!

Do book your wax appointments accordingly to keep up with the maintenance. We recommend scheduling appointments about every four weeks! If you’re new to waxing, we recommend about every 3-6 weeks depending on how fast your hair grows.

Do's before and after waxing

The Don’ts of Waxing:

Don’t expose your skin to the sun (or the tanning bed) for 24-48 hours prior OR post your wax appointment. 

Why? If your skin is sunburned prior to waxing, it will be more sensitive and cause more discomfort during your appointment - no one wants that.

On the contrary, your skin is also going to be hypersensitive in the 24-48 hours following your wax. Exposing your skin to the sun during this time period will cause a sunburn. This goes for all types of waxing (brows, legs, biking, etc.).

Don’t cake your skin with lotions or heavy creams the day of your wax appointment. Prior to your appointment, our esthetician will assure a clean skin area. However, we recommend avoiding these products after your appointment to avoid skin irritation. 

Don’t take a hot bath or use a sauna following your wax appointment. The heat from a hot shower, bath, jacuzzi, etc. can cause irritation to the skin following your treatment. Hot water causes your pores to expand, which gives your skin more of an opportunity for ingrown hairs or breakouts. Plus - fumes from chlorine or other pool chemicals can cause your freshly waxed skin to dry out. 

Don’t hit the gym directly following a wax treatment. Sweat can cause bacterial infections to sensitive areas (aka freshly waxed skin). In addition, tight clothing (usually worn during a workout) will cause friction to the sensitive area - this will cause redness and ingrown hairs. Take a day or two following your wax appointment to let your skin calm down and return to normal. 

Don’t apply deodorant, alcohol-based products, or scented products to freshly waxed skin during the 24 hours following your wax appointment. 

Don’t shave between wax appointments (especially if you go exactly every 4 weeks). Shaving can cause ingrown hairs and itching. Not to mention, you want to make sure your hair is the appropriate length for your wax treatment.  


Nancy Ham