Tips to Manage Acne

Nothing puts a damper on your day like waking up and spotting a pimple on your face when you look in the mirror. Whether you get blemishes on the regular or on occasion, acne is no fun! So how do you get rid of it? That’s the million dollar question.😉
There are so many different factors that affect your skin. We all have unique skin types, lifestyles, genetic makeup, age factors, etc. This makes it hard to pinpoint one specific cause of acne and how to clear up your skin. 

We’ve had a number of clients visit Gameela Skin over the years - all with different skin concerns. When they consult our esthetician on how to clear up their skin, we always recommend solutions and products that are specific to their problem areas. Although there is no one size fits all approach, we have rounded up a few tips to keep your skin clear of acne.

Use a Cleanser for Acne

First and foremost, you should always be washing your face twice per day. However, make a smart choice in the cleanser you purchase. Buying a generic cleanser from Target is likely not going to help your skin, even if you don’t have regular blemishes (we’re looking at you St. Ives🙄). If you are suffering from acne, We recommend the Acne Remedies line by Rhonda Allison. Their products are formulated to help reduce bacteria and inflammation - the two things we want to kill off when looking at acne. When shopping for a new cleanser, you should lookout for products that contain salicylic acid, green tea extract, and totarol. 

For those of you looking to clear and prevent breakouts, we recommend using the Beta Green Tea Cleanser. We’ve had several clients switch to this product for an acne solution and it is a game changer.


Exfoliate Your Skin

Exfoliate, but don’t over-exfoliate! Increasing exfoliation helps trigger cellular turnover. This helps to reduce buildup and increase oxygenation to inhibit bacterial growth. Exfoliation will also help your skin absorb any other products you might be using in your skincare routine. 

We recommend exfoliating two-three times per week. If you’re looking for a new exfoliator to add to your shelf, checkout the Mandelic Perfecting Polish by Rhonda Allison. 

You can take exfoliation one step further and schedule a chemical peel with your esthetician. Higher-strength acids that we use at the studio for our chemical peels work beneath the surface of your skin to turn over new skin cells and promote new cell growth. 


Use a Spot Treatment

If you can’t get ahead of acne, you can at least try to shorten the amount of time it’s taking up space on your face (without picking or popping). The second you see a pesky pimple appearing on your skin, you’ve got to act fast! By applying a quality spot treatment to the problem area, you can usually get rid of the pimple before it has time to fully form. We cannot say enough good things about Rhonda Allison’s Blemish Serum. It’s made with a blend of natural ingredients to support problematic skin conditions gently and effectively. We’ve seen this product decrease the time of a pimple by several days… the perfect solution if you’re really in a time crunch (weddings, holiday parties, etc,). 

Do your Laundry

Checking off this item doesn’t involve adding any new skincare products to your medicine cabinet. Unwashed towels and pillowcases lead to cross-contamination which can lead to breakouts! We recommend washing your bedding once per week and your towels as much as possible (the limit does not exist 😉). This will prevent bacteria buildup which will help keep your skin clear of irritation. 

While we’re on the cleaning bug, don’t forget to clean off your cell phone screen. Your phone goes from your hands, to your purse, to the dinner table, then back to your hands. It is a germ pool!

If you’ve tried all of the above and cannot seem to beat the acne, we recommend consulting an esthetician and your dermatologist. Your skin is the largest organ of your body, there are so many factors that affect the way it looks. Between a clean skincare regime and taking care of yourself from the inside out, you will be able to find a solution. 


Nancy Ham