Your Skincare Order Routine

You’ve finally figured out a skincare regimen that works for you. For some, that can be the most difficult part on the journey to glowing skin! Does anyone else feel more inclined to follow a strict skincare routine when you can actually tell it’s working for your skin? Good - that means our work here is done!😉 

When we send clients home with their new skincare products, we often get the follow up question of what the appropriate order is for applying products (& when they should be applying them). 

Before you ask – Yes the order in which you apply your products does matter. The order of application can actually affect the results. In general, we typically recommend applying products from thinnest to thickest consistency, but our skincare professionals are dishing a few more detailed steps to follow for your morning and nighttime skincare routine.

the correct order to apply skincare products

Step One: Cleanser

In the mornings and evenings, you should always start your skincare routine by cleaning your skin with warm water and a cleanser selected for your skin type. In order for your skin to absorb all of the nutrients and ingredients from the products that come later in your skincare routine, your skin must first be free of makeup, oils, dirt, etc.  

Enhance the cleansing portion of your skincare routine by using one of our FOREO devices. The FOREO gives your skin a perfectly timed, one-minute sonic cleanse to leave you glowing and gorgeous. 

Step Two: Toner 

When you think of Toner, do you think of Witch Hazel? You’re not alone. Luckily, toners have evolved quite a bit over the last 10 years. Toners can serve multiple purposes, but they are typically formulated to help hydrate the skin and prep your face for further ingredients to be absorbed. Hence why it’s so early in the skincare routine (plus, toners are typically liquid based). 

There are many different toners on the market, and they can be formulated for different skin types and concerns. If you are in the market for a toner, it’s important to ask your esthetician for a recommendation!

Step Three: Serum

Serums will never go out of style in the skincare world (& for a good reason). Serums are high-concentrated, nutrient-dense products that are typically used to address specific problematic skin concerns such as blemishes, fine lines, discoloration, and more. 

Serums truly carry the skincare team on their back and they are a great way to level up your skincare routine. At Gameela Skin, we carry an assortment of serums to address different skin concerns. For a recommendation on which serum to add to your routine, get in touch with our esthetician at

Step Four: Eye Cream

If you haven’t noticed, the order of product application has been following the rule of thumb of thinnest to thickest. Eye creams are typically lighter in consistency than moisturizers, so it’s important to remember to apply prior to your creams or lotions. 

While eye creams are not typically in everyone's skin care routine, they are a great product option for those who wish to combat aging and under eye bags. The skin under your eyes is extremely sensitive, so the product you choose to apply should be selected carefully with the help of a skin care professional, and applied gently. Shop our eye care products here

Step Five: Spot Treatment

Spot treatments are {typically} used in the evenings to address blemishes, scarring, and uneven skin tone. These products might not be used daily in your skincare routine, but can be used more on an as needed basis. 

Make sure to use your spot treatment prior to applying a moisturizer (step six) so that it can fully penetrate into the skin. Since moisturizers are heavier, they can sometimes block thinner products from doing their thang – another reason why we’re giving you these step by step skincare order directions. 

If you will be applying a toner or a retinol in your skincare routine, we recommend skipping the spot treatment to avoid skin irritation. Ask your esthetician for a spot treatment to address your skin concerns. 

Step Six: Moisturizer

Finally, your moisturizer can come out to play! Just because it’s one of the last products to be applied, doesn’t mean it should be skipped. 

We recommend using a moisturizer twice per day {no matter what}. There is a common misconception that those who have oily skin, irritation, or blemishes should skip the moisturizer - and this couldn’t be farther from the truth. It simply means that you need to select a moisturizer for your skin type. {As you should all skin products}

Not only does moisturizer help keep your skin hydrated, but since it has a thicker consistency, it actually helps keep all the other products applied prior, in your pores, increasing their effectiveness. 

We recommend using a lighter moisturizer in the mornings, and a heavier one in the evenings. As always, please consult your esthetician to find a moisturizer for your skin type. 

Step Seven: Retinol 

Retinols are vitamin A based products that help increase cell turnover. Retinoids help increase collagen production and skin exfoliation - both which combat a number of skin concerns such as: wrinkles, breakouts, dark spots, and more. 

If retinol is new to your skincare routine, we recommend consulting with your esthetician to find a product for your skin type. We also recommend starting slow with this product as it is powerful and can cause skin irritation. We always recommend applying a pea sized drop AFTER you’ve applied your moisturizer. Why? This will help reduce skin irritation without diluting the treatment.

* Additionally, if you are using a retinol, please remember to let your service provider know. We recommend skipping the reinol for about 7 days leading up to any waxing treatments. *

Step Eight: Sunscreen 

Saving the most important step for last - SPF, always! Sunscreen is not meant to penetrate into the skin, which is why it’s applied last. SPF is meant to protect your skin and act as a layer of armor against the sun. 

We preach a lot about sunscreen (& have given you all the facts on choosing the best sunscreen for your skin). The bottom line: Always choose a broad-sunscreen with an SPF between 15 and 30. Applying sunscreen will actually help minimize the list of other products you will have to use later on in life {IE the products that help reverse concerns typically caused by sun damage}. 

Does an eight-step skincare routine seem overboard? To some, it might! To us, it’s music to our ears. While you don’t *need* to be applying each and every product listed above, our jobs is to give you the knowledge for when and how you should be applying the products you DO have from above. The more you know… 😉

For questions on skincare products for your routine, items you’d like to add, etc. please reach out to our team of skincare pros at Gameela Skin,  

Nancy Ham