The Eyelash Growth Cycle

As a lash artist and a {strong} advocate for naturally fuller lashes, I’m no stranger to the desire to achieve longer, healthier, and fuller-looking lashes. Treatments for longer lashes date all the way back to the 1800’s when women used to experiment with gluing lashes to their lash lines. Yikes! Since then, not only have treatments become much more modernized and effective {thank goodness} but there have also been a number of products produced to help enhance your natural lashes. 

While I’m a big advocate for lash lifts, I’m also an advocate for helping my clients make informed decisions and assuring they select treatments that are right for them! So, before investing in beauty treatments and countless lash products to help grow your lashes, we recommend educating yourself on the lash growth cycle. The lash growth cycle has three phases: The Anagen Phase, Catagen Phase, and Telogen Phase. We’re walking you through all three phases below!

The Biology of your Lashes

Did you know that on average, most people have anywhere from 100-200 eyelashes PER EYE on the upper eyelids and about 75-100 eyelashes on the lower eyelids? Raise your hand if this number is higher than you would have thought.🤚Each eyelash is made up of a hair shaft {which is the actual lash that you see}, the root beneath the skin, and a bulb where the lash begins to grow. 

While lash length, color, and thickness vary from person to person, we all go through the same growth cycle. 

The Eyelash Growth Cycle

As we mentioned above, lashes go through three phases during the growth cycle. The Anagen phase {the active growth phase}, the Catagen phase {the transitional phase}, and lastly the Telogen phase {the resting phase}. From beginning to end, this cycle can take anywhere from 4 to 11 months to complete. 

The Anagen Phase

This is the active growth phase! During the Anagen phase, which typically lasts anywhere from 4-10 weeks, the lash hair is attached to the dermal papilla {blood supply} which feeds the lash to help it grow. During this phase, your lashes will grow at a rate of 0.12 - 1.14mm PER DAY! 

Almost 40% of your upper eyelashes {& 15% of your lower lashes} will be in the Anagen phase simultaneously. This helps make sure you don’t lose all of your lashes at once when it comes time for them to fall out! The longer your lashes stay in this growth phase, the longer they will grow! 🤞

The Catagen Phase

During the Catagen Phase of the lash growth cycle, the eyelash stops growing. The hair follicle will shrink, detach from the dermal papilla, and the lash will stop growing! This phase {which typically lasts 2-3 weeks} is known as the transition phase as the lashes maintain their length while waiting for the next and final phase. 

During this phase, if an eyelash falls out {or is pulled out}, that follicle will remain empty while it completes this phase until it starts back over at the Anagen phase. This phase of the lash growth cycle is where lash serums and products would make sense. While lash length is determined in the Anagen phase, lash fullness can be enhanced with the help of outside elements and products. Keeping your lashes strong and healthy {with the help of serums} will minimize fallout and avoid gaps in your lash line. 

I recommend using Jane Iredale’s PureLash Lash Extender and Conditioner. This lash product will help strengthen and thicken your lashes to make them more durable! Pro Tip: Apply the product right before your mascara to enhance the length of your lashes. 


For further questions on which lash products {or treatments} might be for you, reach out to the lash experts at Gameela Skin at

The Telogen Phase 

During the Telogen Phase, the lashes simply sit and rest while new hair begins to grow inside that same follicle. During this phase, your lashes will naturally fall out while your new lashes grow in. 

The Telogen phase of “sitting and resting” typically lasts anywhere from 3 to 4 months - meaning your lashes will typically sit for this time period before falling out. About 50% of your lashes will be in this phase at one time {again, this assures you do not lose all of your lashes at one time}. 

As we all get older, not only does the lash cycle slow down a bit {& take longer for new lashes to grow during the Anagen phase} but lashes also don’t retain moisture as well. This is where lash serums, like Jane Iredale’s PureLash Lash Extender, will help the longevity and strength of your lashes! Applying a lash serum or conditioner on a daily basis will help strengthen your lashes, keep them hydrated, and minimize fall out for an overall fuller look!

Nancy Ham