Why Use a Face Mask Brush

Self care Sunday is my favorite day of the week! I work out, grab a coffee with my dogs from my local coffee shop, and I typically end my self care routine by applying a face mask. Face masks provide more than 20-30 minutes of relaxation. Depending on the product I use, a face mask can provide my skin with antioxidants, healing support, hydration, and much more. Making my mask application even better is my mask brush applicator! There are so many benefits to applying a mask product with a brush (instead of using your hands). Aside from feeling like you’re at the spa, I’m sharing a few of my top reasons to use a brush!

Why Use a Face Mask Brush

A Face Mask Brush Is Hygienic

To maintain the best hygiene, applying a face mask with a brush is the way to go. Although you may think you wash your hands thoroughly before sticking your fingers into a jar of product, there is still bacteria on your hands that can contaminate the product. 

If you replace your hands with a brush, you don’t have to stress about whether or not you’re allowing germs into the product. My custom face mask brush applicator is made with smooth Taklon fibers that are easy to clean. After each use, you can clean and disinfect the brush, so that it’s ready to go the next time you’re ready to apply a mask. 

Need a few mask recommendations? Browse my online store & shop based on your skincare concerns!

Save More Product

This might be my favorite pro of using a mask brush for product application. When you apply a face mask with your hands, you typically use more product than necessary. It sticks to your hands, dries before it has a chance to reach your face, and tends to get a bit messy. This means some of your beloved (& costly) products are going to waste. A face mask brush allows you to truly control how much product is taken out of the jar and applied to your skin. Plus it makes for a clean application, so the only place product is going is on your face!

Top-dollar products deserve top-dollar application! 😉

Mask Application is Seamless

Applying a mask is a form of self care (and I don’t want to hear from anyone who thinks otherwise). A mask brush makes your self care that much more relaxing & enjoyable by providing a clean, easy, and efficient way to apply products.

My custom face mask brush features smooth bristles made from Taklon fibers and an easy-to-grip matte wooden handle that fits perfectly in the palm of your hand. This build is important as it helps you easily cover every square inch of your face and get those hard-to-reach areas (like your hairline or jawline). The bristles provide a soothing experience as the brush smoothly applies the product to your skin - it will make you feel like you’re at the spa from the first application. Lastly, the lack of mess after application enhances your at-home mask experience. When you complete your mask application all you have to do is put the lid back on your product and sanitize your brush. No further clean up required!

Nancy Ham